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Rp 50,000
Miraccle sock cocok untuk mereka yang sering berdiri atau berjalan untuk jangka waktu yang panjang, dan mereka yang kakinya rentan terhadap kelelahan, sakit gembur-gembur dan varises. Ini pijat otot dan mengurangi penumpukan lemak subkutan. Ini mendorong metabolisme dan sirkulasi darah, dan mencegah varises.

Mengenakan Miracacle socks selama jangka waktu yang panjang akan meningkatkan kontur kaki sehingga membentuk kaki Anda menjadi slim^^

Ease aches and pains, massage sore muscles, and energize legs and feet with these socks! They're low-maintenance, great for circulation, and ideal for relieving symptoms of spider and varicose veins.

Miracle Socks use graduated compression -- maximum compression at the ankle that gradually decreases up the leg. It helps to soothe, massage, and energize your legs and feet!

These socks are comfortable and discreet, thin enough to fit in any shoe and allow you to keep your professional style without sacrificing comfort. They're great for everyday use! They're also machine washable for convenience.


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